Kelowna Its Insulation season again!

Well it seems as though summer has past and sweat pant season is back. With the forecasts calling for a cold winter in the Okanagan, now is a great time to seal up those drafty areas in your home and make sure your insulation is adequate. I met a fellow entrepreneur a few weeks ago with a great idea to help people find those leaky areas in your home. With some high tech gear developed to draw a negative vacuum on your home Lloyd can tell you where all your leaky areas are on your home and recommend a course of action so you can fix them. He has a special on right now for $99 to have this test done. Lloyd can be reached at 250-768-8512 or

If you are wondering how you can check your insulation there is a couple areas you can easily check on your own. The first one is the attic. Grab a ladder, pop open your attic hatch and bring a flashlight and a measuring tape. You want to put the measuring tape on the dry wall and then try to figure out the average depth of your insulation. It should read at least 14-16 inches deep, anything less than that and you are going to spend more than needed to heat and cool your home. If you have a crawl space you want to look at two things. The walls to see if they have insulation on them and the joist ends (the cavity between each joist that sits on top of the foundation wall). Both of these areas are often left uninsulated and can lead to 30% of your heat loss.

Or you can call a professional for a free insulation estimate at: 250-215-8020

Terry Laurin 250-215-8020 “Helping you become Energy Efficient”


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