Insulation material choices increase with more Eco friendly materials to choose from.
One of the latest and greatest materials comes from recycled blue jeans. Yes those dirty old jeans can be recycled and put to good use. However the unfortunate problem in today's market is that the vast majority of the public aren't willing to anti up the extra 10% or so to have such products installed. I don't blame the public as I have always thought that recycled products should cost the same or less than competing products. That being said, if the government would stand behind and support more products like recycled jeans then perhaps the costs would be more equal. The truth is that most Eco friendly materials actually perform better as well. If the education on such products was endorsed than perhaps more people would see the big picture in regards to their ROI. Recycled news papers also known as blown cellulose is another great example. Cellulose out performs fiberglass in terms of performance, safety, air quality, R-values per inch and its 100% recycled. Again your only talking a small increase in price to use a superior product yet most of us have the horse blinders on and only think about the upfront costs.
What makes it more difficult to promote these products is the advise that 90% of the insulation contractors are giving. If you were to contact 5 companies for insulation quotes you may have one that will offer you a recycled product other than fiberglass. Being a customer listening to 4-5 companies that slag products like cellulose, you are likely to think that if most companies offer fiberglass and are telling you its better......well than it must be better...not so true. Business owners will stick with the demand and that's the cheaper products because we as consumers are so price focused.
Keep this article in mind the next time you make a purchase no matter what it is. The cheapest quote or material will often result in you getting the worst product, with the worst return on investment. Like Mike Holmes says "Pick the quote in the middle, ask questions and qualify your contractor by getting referrals."
Have a great weekend!
Terry Laurin
“Helping you become Energy Efficient”
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